Bowling (2021)

Joseph Flores describes his debut album Bowling as a maximalist explosion of his ideas over a 4 year period. "Each song is basically me trying on a different outfit and seeing how it feels to wear it, metaphorically. I'm trying out a bunch of things; putting myself in different environments and exploring things."
⒈ Bad Pin
⒉ Batter
⒊ Delayed ⭑
⒋ Milton Post ♡
⒌ At Peace
⒍ New Lane ♡
⒏ GUI ♡
⒐ Little Star ♡♡

Joseph Flores released two music videos in support of Bowling that were conceptualized and created entirely by him. In crafting the videos, he described himself as an artist in multiple fields. "Everybody's trying really hard to push the envelope with what you can do with 3D and editing software now. I really like looking back in time for some reason, so my goal was to try and figure out how I can make this music video look like it would have came out in the 90s or the early 2000s."